Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Intelligence (in the context of IQ): Men vs. Women

Hey everybody! Long time no post. :D

Just a few minutes ago I was scrolling through my facebook news feed, and one of my female friends posted an article entitled 'Women Have Higher IQs Than Men Says Science'. I read the article, and apparently for the first time in a century of testing, women are scoring higher on IQ tests. I've read about IQ on the net much in the past, and a large majority of sources say that women and men's IQ are estimated to be equal, but that there are more men with above average IQs AND more men with below average IQs. This given, it's just a matter of perspective. There are more dumb men, but more men smarter than the average person at the same time. If you think that men are smarter because more of them are famous for discovering things, it's only because there are more smart men than women, so there are more famous male names standing out. Thinking about it, I still find men smarter (again, in the context of IQ only) because there are more of them with IQs and 115 and above, and that's pretty much my borderline for a real smart person if you're judging solely on IQ. Then I remember that the reason I hate stupid people so much is because of all the dumb male jocks I've met in my lifetime. It's all a matter of perspective I guess, and I don't think there's a reason to fight about which gender is smarter than the other.

Good evening everybody! I don't have much to say tonight except that I got the highest score on my Psychometrics pre-midterm test (I'm so proud of myself for getting a high grade for once) but here's a picture of the original trollface, 'The Joker' from Batman!
Seriously, look at him. He's the freaking trollface prototype.

Speaking of 'Protoype', that's a videogame! If you're a gamer, then google it. It will beckon you to play.
That's all for tonight! Good night people!

1 comment:

  1. I think the world is changing. Women are treated a lot more equally than man now. In the old days women can't work and just has to stay home cook clean and take care of kids. Now women are stepping up on the plate because we can. It doesn't matter whose smarter what matters is what they can serve in the plate.
