Thursday, July 26, 2012

That damn concert...

Hello everybody! Before I start writing, I just want to apologize for the previous blog posts. The text on them looks a bit messed up doesn't it? I just dunno how to work this site yet. I'm lazy to experiment you see. :P

So tonight I was talking to my best friend about religion, politics, and how messed up our government and culture are. As you might know from my previous blog posts, I live in the Philippines. A Catholic country. The school I go to is a Catholic school too, and there's this bell that rings at 12 noon and 3 PM to signal that it's time to pray. I wrote something about it a while back but I never bothered to post publish it anywhere. I will now, and this is it:

'Today as I was about to walk down the CAS building after the end of my last class, a bell rang signifying the start of the 12 o'clock prayer. A friend walking by my side stopped in her tracks and asked me, "Why don't you stop? It's time to pray." I told her I didn't like scheduled prayers. I left it at that, but deep inside my mind the 'Philosophy Express' was taking off on its next expedition. Running through my head like a monologue, my thoughts came to me. 'Everyday in this school, people stop what they're doing to pray to God. If that bell wasn't around to remind them to do it, most of them wouldn't even remember to pray. Can we ever consider it sincere? Is it even worth any consolation or merit? I feel like the will of these people praying around me has been reduced to obedience in response to the ring of a bell. A response to a stimuli. If God our Father truly existed, would he be happy with the way he is being worshiped? Does he want to be worshiped at all? If I were him to watch my people like this, I would renounce myself as ruler over these people, for if I had children, I would rather live as a peasant and raise my children to become kings and queens, than to acquire kingship and have be the slaves that grovel at my feet.''

I'm not trying to impose any of my beliefs or values on people. (Not saying I wouldn't if I could.)
This is just the type of thing that runs through my mind on a daily basis. Eh... don't mind me. I'm loony. I'm gonna talk about my life now.

So there are these bastards near my house who host a concert on a yearly basis. The concert, lasts 10 nights. They play loud music every one of those 10 night, into the wee hours. The music is so loud, I can't fall asleep. (If you think that's why I'm writing my blog right now, because I can't sleep, then yes, you're right. That concert is happening right now.)
These bastards should be killed. They play the same songs 10 nights in a freaking row. Who can get to sleep around here? Their concert lasts till 5AM too. wth. And the police don't do shit about it cause apparently they've got a permit issued by the mayor. Tonight is the first night of the concert I think... but to be honest I'm not sure. It might be a political campaign using a concert as entertainment. A while ago I heard a little girl on the microphone talking about her barangay (barangay = basically means village in the Philippines. It's the smallest form of political division here. Smaller than a city.) and I was disgusted. I find it terrible that politicians have to use their children to help with their campaign. They get votes because their kids are forced to stand in front of a crowd and speak into a microphone? That's crap. Their kids are cute, yes, and it's fun to hear young minds speak about the big world, but why vote for someone just because their kids support them? Obviously they were asked to do it. 8 year olds (The girl introduced herself as 8 years old) don't just help their parents campaign. They don't even know what happens in politics unless they're geniuses. It's such a disgusting thing in the world that these people get support from the people using such dirty tactics. Using their innocent-looking and cute children as tools for power.

I'm sleepy now. My rage has alleviated. Good night~





I plan to make one. Seriously. Using Krispy Kreme donuts.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Philosophical Fever

Hey everybody, I haven't posted in a while. I completely forgot I even had a blog. Anyway, I'm pretty sick tonight, and I tried to sleep early but I just can't, so I've decided to post something.

I'd like to talk about some annoying internet phrase which has been giving me cognitive cancer lately. It's called YOLO. It's apparently some made up excuse for stupid teens to do crazy things because they 'only live once'. I got so irritated seeing the phrase ( lol drama) all over facebook that I posted this status a few days ago. 'Some people believe that you should live everyday like it's your last. YOLO (You only live once) right? Well I'm different. If I died, at this very moment without finishing what I started in the world, I wouldn't fret. Because I will die with ambition in my heart, and with hope for the next generation to finish what I started and make me proud even from the hypothetical afterlife.' It was pretty ironic that one of the people who kept using the phrase liked my status. Meh. Sheeple.

Remember how I live in the Philippines? Well...

This photo has been circulating facebook lately. Wtf at this photo. Seriously. Who made this up? This is as retarded as those chain text mails telling me that August 13 Tuesday will be the only August 13 Tuesday for the next 33 years (FYI that's not true for the 5 people who sent me the same chain text). I know that the average person is smart enough not to take shit like this seriously... but then again, there are the people who DO take shit like this seriously. That worries me deeply. Spread love all over the Philippines? More like spreading sexual harassment all over the Philippines. If anyone touches my girl I'm gonna (insert phrase with 21 explicit words here). Just now I noticed the little source at the lower right portion of the photo. No wonder it's so dumb. It was posted by one of those crazy girls from tumblr. (No offense if you use tumblr. There are just some nutjobs on tumblr is all)

One last thing I wanna talk about tonight. It's about justice. Do ends justify means? If one's intention is not malicious, can their actions still be considered ones of malice? In my opinion, people are to be judged according to a person's situation, not purely for their dispositions. Such is a problem in society today. When one (especially a person of prestige or fame) commits an act which is deemed immoral or shameful, the world scorns them. People judge according to what they hear in gossip, without knowing the truth. The masses are suckers for drama, and are easily misled. I want to live in a world where this doesn't happen. I want a world where honor and infamy is bestowed on to those who deserve it.
 (Yes, I know I got off topic from justice and am spouting out random things. Sue me. I'm literally tired and sick.)

Good night everyone!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Is anyone here interested in the MBTI? (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)
I sure am. For those of you who don't know what it is, I would simply describe it to you as a personality test of which 4 letters are given as a result. The first letter is either E or I, the second is either S or N, the third is either T or F, and the last letter a P or J.

I read about the MBTI a lot in my spare time. A lot of you will just think of it as a personality test with little meaning, because the interpretation of the test results are generalized and can fit just about everyone, but I find it really accurate and have seen patterns in the lives of the people around me in accordance with their results.
If you want, you can go find the test online. There are many versions of it, and some may yield different results especially if English isn't your native language. (I get the same result every time though.) Reading and interpreting your results can be quite fun. :)
The MBTI is closely related to many other personality theories, but I'll try to keep it simple.
There are 16 possible combinations and they are:
You don't have to read the links above btw, unless you've taken the test and are interested in your own type. I myself am an INTJ. Probably the type most hated and admired at the same type. (Or well, maybe ESTJ is the most hated. The way democratic governments are normally run is very ESTJish, and people hate the government. LOL)

Anyway, I was talking about patterns along with the results right? Right. Well since I'm majoring in Psychology, I've had to take a personality psychology class. (And so did my classmates and the Psychology majors from the other classes) And we've all been made to take the MBTI, and I pretty much memorized the results of the people around me. What I've noticed is, there are certain personality types that I can NEVER seem to get along with. It drives me crazy just talking to them! (I don't wanna mention these types to avoid people getting offended, but if you're really curious you can PM me and I'll tell you.)
And there are some types that I can't help but get along with. If you guessed those types to be those with an NT in their result, you guessed right. Everyone I know with an NT in their result, I can get along with, and a majority of them are friends of mine. (Because getting along with someone doesn't necessarily make them my friend.) There's also the assumption that some types are more attracted to each other than others, and some research says relationship satisfaction is higher between people with more similar test results (especially when the 2nd letter S, or N is the same.) I'd say it's subjective, but correlated nonetheless.

So if you guys are interested, you mind taking the test? Ask your friends to take the test too. Look at the results, refute or help conclude these assumptions. It'd also be nice to learn a bit more about yourself no? And hey, if there are any INTJs out there and can't stand people of a certain type too, mind telling me? I wanna know if I'm all alone here or not. :P

This is Carl Jung, who contributed a lot to the MBTI. He's also my favorite Psychologist.

Random thought:
So I was reading the bible recently (not really, I just saw a picture online) and was wondering...
There's that verse in Genesis that says God took a rib from Adam and created Eve out of it. I never really... understood how that worked.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Intelligence (in the context of IQ): Men vs. Women

Hey everybody! Long time no post. :D

Just a few minutes ago I was scrolling through my facebook news feed, and one of my female friends posted an article entitled 'Women Have Higher IQs Than Men Says Science'. I read the article, and apparently for the first time in a century of testing, women are scoring higher on IQ tests. I've read about IQ on the net much in the past, and a large majority of sources say that women and men's IQ are estimated to be equal, but that there are more men with above average IQs AND more men with below average IQs. This given, it's just a matter of perspective. There are more dumb men, but more men smarter than the average person at the same time. If you think that men are smarter because more of them are famous for discovering things, it's only because there are more smart men than women, so there are more famous male names standing out. Thinking about it, I still find men smarter (again, in the context of IQ only) because there are more of them with IQs and 115 and above, and that's pretty much my borderline for a real smart person if you're judging solely on IQ. Then I remember that the reason I hate stupid people so much is because of all the dumb male jocks I've met in my lifetime. It's all a matter of perspective I guess, and I don't think there's a reason to fight about which gender is smarter than the other.

Good evening everybody! I don't have much to say tonight except that I got the highest score on my Psychometrics pre-midterm test (I'm so proud of myself for getting a high grade for once) but here's a picture of the original trollface, 'The Joker' from Batman!
Seriously, look at him. He's the freaking trollface prototype.

Speaking of 'Protoype', that's a videogame! If you're a gamer, then google it. It will beckon you to play.
That's all for tonight! Good night people!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Adopt a snowy animal TODAY!

So today one of my friends randomly linked me to a page (specifically this one):
And oh em gee, I see that I have the chance to help save the Snowy Owls of this world! Did I mention I love owls, I love the cold, I love snow and all the snow-filled places in the world? Ironic because I live in the Philippines, a country without snow. I encourage you guys to help donate to this wildlife preservation (thingy) and help save the snowy owls! I myself will be donating, with the money from my paypal if I can get any in there through donations or selling items from Diablo III. That plushie they give away when you donate looks really nice, but I might decide to not get it because I really wanna help the snowy owls.

For hilarity's sake here's a video to pump you guys up. It's by Ryan Higa, my favorite youtuber. :)

For those of you who watched the video above, I'll talk about censorship too. When I was a kid, I thought censorship was dumb too. I always found it retarded. Not to be a perv or anything, but I always wanted to know WHY it's so bad to look at people's naked parts. And uhh... the word f**k? Why is it so bad? It literally means sex. s**t literally means poop, and b***h literally means female dog. If I say poop in public, why is it not the equivalent of saying shit? They mean the same thing. Oo

Anyway, I was thinking of starting a business. Just a small one, here in the Philippines. I'm still a student and I have duties to attend to, but a little money on the side for my future would be nice. Any suggestions from anyone? If so, comment below! I've got around 8k pesos (200$) worth of money to invest.

Does anyone know the movie 'How to train your Dragon?' (Sorry for all the cartoons.) Disney's making a 2nd movie, and planning for a 3rd! :D I loved that film. Look forward to it, fans! ^^

Here's a question for tonight, and a funny photo in one~

It's a question that has boggled me as well. Not just that curious little reptile.

Sorry I'm posting so much random crap. I'm a bit low on brain energy tonight. Thanks for reading anyway. I love you people. :D

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Introducing... myself!

Hey everybody! And welcome to my super special awesome blog! Well, not so awesome right now since it's new, but I've been around the blogging community for years. I had another one on livejournal, but I decided to stop for a little while UNTIL... I had the urge to make a fresh start on an even bigger site like blogger. That and someone who liked my old blog encouraged me to start writing again. :D
I haven't gotten used to the layout of blogger yet, so this page might seem a bit crummy right now. Sorry bout that mates. :P

Anyway, before I place anything else, I'd like to introduce myself. My name's Lyndon. I'm a Chinese-blooded guy living in the Philippines. I'm pretty much a gamer, but you don't have to care unless anyone out there is playing Diablo III and wants to back me up in Inferno mode. I'm also studying Psychology in a university.

If I'm boring you already, or if you're wondering what my next posts are gonna be about, here is a small list of the things I'm gonna talk about on this blog:
My life
Philosophy (whatever I can think of at the time)
Anything I found out is 'coming soon' and which interests me. (Speaking of which, has anyone heard that Legend of Korra is being renewed for up to season 4? You can read about it here:
There's also a season 3 and movie of Code Geass and... uhh... God. I'm making myself look like a huge nerd on my very first post. : /
Sorry if that link is just huge and annoying to some of you btw. I like the Avatar series.

I'll also be posting links to file downloads and torrents for... well... a lot of things. Maybe games, videos, etc. that people request and I happen to have. :) (These include Television Series and Games) :)

I'm sure there's a lot more I'll talk about that isn't specified here, but let's just leave that for later posts.
And I'll also be posting funny photos (like this one)

Go ahead and comment about it. It's funny. xD

And women jokes. Just not the offensive ones.

That's it for tonight, but before I end this post, just a little question for those who are willing to comment their answers below. Would you drink 2 day old spoiled chocolate milk?